Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jcpennybeautysalon Com

Ruckers - Augusto Bonza - 4

The feed table, where you can see the wooden dowels that hold the joint with the soundboard.
linings are seen also on the housings for the registers and the linings of one side piece, the most backward, the space for the acute end of the tailpiece of 4 '.

Another view of the side panel, where you can see the pins that secure the bars to the lower side panel and those that combine curved side panels and fascia, as well as those of the soundboard, you've seen before in a previous post.
is seen also between the two cross rates, the glove compartment of a typical Ruckers harpsichord of the time. The compartment is formed by two beams, a partition wall of the bottom (closest to the observer of this photo), features a roof with bevels. Of course, the bottom of the instrument will be when it is mounted, the floor of the glove compartment.

The case mounted e messa in verticale. Sulla controfascia del fianco lungo si vede l'alloggiamento per l'estremità grave della cordiera dei 4'.


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