Monday, July 19, 2010

How To Gat Mount And Blade For Free

After a first fairy .. I left nuuuuda senz'ambientazione and, like many of you know .. I started the other two .. a pinup (though still without a head) with a "mother" (that being gently filled with lunettes was sent to that country with a little 'of regret). I wondered if it was not the size of my problem ... and so I decided to do a little head unpretentious .. "to try". The little head was
piccolisssssssima .. and the body that came out just as it is .. I had no major problems apart from those related to the size of shape over .. once I immediately jumped on a fairy a bit 'bigger.
.. I made the armor and then her head slowly .. the rest .. So I show my "work" a few days ago .. :)

WIP: This is just a tiny .. I still have to finish it as you will update the post ..:)

Here I fixed his eyes were too small .. .. first looked with eyes wide open!

WIP3: The following is the bigger one .. about 10 cm in feet)
The little head

And this is the fairy over ..

The back with the joints of wings

is not very good .. but it is the before I can finish! The setting is missing .. but the fairy is over .. Ovazioneeeeeeeee!
I have invaded the picture .. sorry: P


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