Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Frostbite Windburn On Cheeks What To Do

Ruckers - Augusto Bonza - 2

The harpsichord is similar to what I had started a standard keyboard, the extension from DO1 RE5 for 51 notes (low octave chromatic).

In this and later posts I will talk in first person plural. It 'obvious, however, that the contribution is very uneven between me and Augustus.

Since the tool also has a purpose "teaching" to me, we decided not to "cut corners": no shortcuts, no work done in the simplest way "because so much is the same." For each job we ask what was the sequence adopted by the Ruckers, and we follow the same sequence. Sometimes it is not clear, and sometimes they do not contribute technical studies on the subject, the first of the monograph by Grant O 'Brien, Ruckers. A Harpsichord and Virginal Building Tradition , Cambridge University Press, 1990 (hardcover edition is the only remainders, it has been published in paperback in 2008, you can buy on the site of Grant O 'Brien, ; here, or on Amazon, here ). In these cases, we test, hypothesis, and so far has always found a road that is now the most logical.
Sometimes, however, despite the efforts you are unable to understand why in some detail on original instruments, such as feature bevel on the bottom of the linings, which does not respond either to structural or aesthetic needs (because it is closed inside the instrument) or processing. In these cases we decide from time to time but usually that is reproduced in detail.
not, of course, blind copy, because everything is discussed and rethought.
In the next post some pictures.


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