Monday, July 19, 2010

Blog De Bangbros Online

Just Married! Hummingbird Fairy Bookmarks

seemed so far in July a few months ago .. .. and instead came as fast as a blink of an eye .. and almost finished! The best month of the summer .. and not just because my birthday .. but because my birthday is a wedding of my dearest friends! How many of you know are not as "expansive" .. maybe I love you to someone who will never know! What better time to do a thought "with the heart"?
commitment .. I started it 4 days .. a bit 'of thoughts .. will like? how we do it? and I also finished the fimo (hehe!) but I'm really satisfied! I made another cake topper for another friend .. but I think this to be more beautiful (makes perfect, right?) .. 'nuff said .. I show you my work!

Special groom ..

and the Bride:

here .. And the couple together:

viewed from behind:

And here a detail of the bride's dress:

For the bodice of the bride and the "tail" I used a murrina I also made polymer clay .. I used to dress instead of white polymer clay that I textured to make it a bit 'more detail .. On the bodice I "shot" the tips as if they were petals of a daisy (subject of murrine) ..
The base is plywood, I cut, sanded and painted .. then I put the stones and I put the cord to finish the base .. Finally I put a label with the names of the couple and the date ..
I did not make the heart of flowers behind the couple, nor a "scene" because it seemed to me to upload it too .. considering the fact that the groom has a cylinder, would come bit 'too heavy .. As it is I like it .. I hope you liked it .. even the bride and her keep the memories of the most beautiful day ^_____^

Blueprints Graystone Home

Dear readers, after a long time 'go back to post something! I was not with our hands .. but I have not had time to update the blog! Among the various examinations and commitments I have just had some "spare time" are born that way .. the new bookmarks. Inspired a bit 'to nature and a bit' to the beautiful porcelain FRANZ here they are:
here in the first phase .. I did the drawing on abbassaligua ..

Then I painted them .. and I spent boundary in this photo .. two were not finished yet ..

finitiiiiiii Here ..

And here two pictures "close":

I used the tongue depressor sterile soft colored acrylic base and pearlescent on the subject and the flowers !

How To Gat Mount And Blade For Free

After a first fairy .. I left nuuuuda senz'ambientazione and, like many of you know .. I started the other two .. a pinup (though still without a head) with a "mother" (that being gently filled with lunettes was sent to that country with a little 'of regret). I wondered if it was not the size of my problem ... and so I decided to do a little head unpretentious .. "to try". The little head was
piccolisssssssima .. and the body that came out just as it is .. I had no major problems apart from those related to the size of shape over .. once I immediately jumped on a fairy a bit 'bigger.
.. I made the armor and then her head slowly .. the rest .. So I show my "work" a few days ago .. :)

WIP: This is just a tiny .. I still have to finish it as you will update the post ..:)

Here I fixed his eyes were too small .. .. first looked with eyes wide open!

WIP3: The following is the bigger one .. about 10 cm in feet)
The little head

And this is the fairy over ..

The back with the joints of wings

is not very good .. but it is the before I can finish! The setting is missing .. but the fairy is over .. Ovazioneeeeeeeee!
I have invaded the picture .. sorry: P

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jcpennybeautysalon Com

Ruckers - Augusto Bonza - 4

The feed table, where you can see the wooden dowels that hold the joint with the soundboard.
linings are seen also on the housings for the registers and the linings of one side piece, the most backward, the space for the acute end of the tailpiece of 4 '.

Another view of the side panel, where you can see the pins that secure the bars to the lower side panel and those that combine curved side panels and fascia, as well as those of the soundboard, you've seen before in a previous post.
is seen also between the two cross rates, the glove compartment of a typical Ruckers harpsichord of the time. The compartment is formed by two beams, a partition wall of the bottom (closest to the observer of this photo), features a roof with bevels. Of course, the bottom of the instrument will be when it is mounted, the floor of the glove compartment.

The case mounted e messa in verticale. Sulla controfascia del fianco lungo si vede l'alloggiamento per l'estremità grave della cordiera dei 4'.

Funny Anniversary Toasts

Ruckers - Augusto Bonza - 3

Controfasce montate. La controfascia di coda aveva negli strumenti storici spessore e altezza maggiori delle altre, probabilmente per meglio sostenere la tensione delle corde gravi, più lunghe e più spesse. Abbiamo seguito i Ruckers in questa particolarità.

La colla che si vede colare sotto le controfasce è colla animale, la stessa che sarà utilizzata bonding for all of the instrument.

The soundboard is guaranteed not only by the glue, pins or even wooden nails. Plugs were also used to secure the joints between the segments, including fund and cash management, and structural axes and sides.

Ruckers The typical joint between wing and tail-end curve. The edge of the protruding end of the queue will be subsequently planed to bring it up with the band curve.

Curved side was, in the Flemish tradition, bent on exposing the wood flame and then setting the piece in a way that would take the curve for a few minutes. Once cooled, the timber maintains its shape.
We proceeded in the same way, and here is the curved side mounted with the traces of carbonization.

Band curve just out of the fire treatment, and before the planer that removes much of the coal.

Frostbite Windburn On Cheeks What To Do

Ruckers - Augusto Bonza - 2

The harpsichord is similar to what I had started a standard keyboard, the extension from DO1 RE5 for 51 notes (low octave chromatic).

In this and later posts I will talk in first person plural. It 'obvious, however, that the contribution is very uneven between me and Augustus.

Since the tool also has a purpose "teaching" to me, we decided not to "cut corners": no shortcuts, no work done in the simplest way "because so much is the same." For each job we ask what was the sequence adopted by the Ruckers, and we follow the same sequence. Sometimes it is not clear, and sometimes they do not contribute technical studies on the subject, the first of the monograph by Grant O 'Brien, Ruckers. A Harpsichord and Virginal Building Tradition , Cambridge University Press, 1990 (hardcover edition is the only remainders, it has been published in paperback in 2008, you can buy on the site of Grant O 'Brien, ; here, or on Amazon, here ). In these cases, we test, hypothesis, and so far has always found a road that is now the most logical.
Sometimes, however, despite the efforts you are unable to understand why in some detail on original instruments, such as feature bevel on the bottom of the linings, which does not respond either to structural or aesthetic needs (because it is closed inside the instrument) or processing. In these cases we decide from time to time but usually that is reproduced in detail.
not, of course, blind copy, because everything is discussed and rethought.
In the next post some pictures.

Replace Entire Suspension 2000 Caravan

Ruckers - Augusto Bonza - 1

After several failed attempts in recent years because of my commitments and his own, I made a deal with Augusto Bonza involves the construction of a harpsichord together (we'll see in later posts in what is this "together").
Before Augustus, who is already facing a waiting list several years, is attacked by a mob of amateurs like me, states that the harpsichord is mine. That is, Did I regularly ordered, only that the agreement provides that certain phases of construction are carried out together, some from him and then some from me.

E 'this is why I suspended from March the construction of the Ruckers: a harpsichord that we decided to build a Ruckers is precisely what I had already begun and would be a duplication of effort. I'll finish in the past, when among other things I'll know more.

next post so I will address this project.