Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Wear A Thong To School

Rings miniature laparoscopist!

You will be surprised to read a title so weird in my blog .. .. and in fact surprised me too! Let me explain a little 'what happened!
Some time ago I received an email from a girl who was about to graduate in nursing. He wanted the theme Phonestrap and pins to give to colleagues with whom he had training. The pins were attached to the card, so I could not make them too big! Think you thinks there .. I suggested that the small nurse have been conquered! In the same day .. another nurse was looking for something to attach to the card .. and to give a thumbnail to the primary in his department said .. that's it! The pins could be implemented (we have some customized features of his colleagues: long hair / short-light / dark) .. but how to do a laparoscopy in the bottle? With a little 'patience and good will loooong I started to work! I show you my "nursing work", I hope you enjoy!

As usual, click on the pictures if you want to get:)


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