Monday, November 15, 2010

Gay Cruising Spots Detailed Info England

Japanese Market - November 7, 2010

So .. as is often the case for a while 'do not update my blog! I was absorbed by the commitments on the study, thesis, and also the creative world!
In this post I want to talk about it .. and especially the Japanese market!
How many of you know I've never personally participated in a flea market, often Butterfly Effect Workshop has offered to display and sell my creations, sharing with me his banquet to the Japanese market! I always sent my creations, and she took care of everything, from setting the sale, payments, packaging and shipping of unsold items! After several "calls" the opportunity presented itself to me just this November to be in rome .. and so I decided to participate in the flesh (more flesh than bone) at the market!
In the days before I was almost anxious, if not worried! On the morning of November 7, despite some ominous cloud, I was armed with good will and a beautiful smile and I start .. The experience was definitely positive (even more than positive!) In the first place because I had the opportunity to meet friends, because then I met so many people, and not least because they breathe air just magic! Many girls have stopped at the banquet just to give a compliment and if on occasion can be embarrassing, it's really just what fills your heart! Strange characters roamed the stands .. I recognized a lady oscar and I do not know who else! The hotel was very nice, the market was developing all'intermo and even outside the discotheque "Black Out Rock Club, Rome.
Unfortunately I have not done a lot of photos, with the exception of some at our table .. I hope to recover in the next few days!

I take this opportunity to thank once again Butterfly Effect, extremely available and lovely, with whom I spent two afternoons meravigliosissssssssimi and the day of the market, and her boyfriend, Vincent, who had the patience to accompany me to the station and helped us to assemble and arrange the feast day of market, THANKS! A special greeting goes to Takya and Michela.Crazy , colleagues Forum Handcrafted us who have spent an afternoon shopping creative! Emos (and Emily), and Krispink barbyblu who came to see us at the market and with whom I apologize for the pochissssimo time we had! I hope we shall meet again .. maybe "relaxing": D A big hug goes to Sarah, a special friend loooong patient .. and my cousins \u200b\u200bDaniel and Grace (their families, uncle, cousins \u200b\u200band cousins \u200b\u200band only .. but I can not list all else it takes me a papyrus!) of Ceramiche D'urso (under construction) I have hosted in those days and made me feel really "family" as when we were kids and we went to visit them on vacation! Many thanks to all:)


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