Well between HTML code and the other place is really something ... the ridge that my blog is the last to be updated with the move work. Uuuuu like I'm back! Anyways
however this is a book that I made between this esstate / autumn.
Here are some small steps to achieve it:
Initially I made the pieces sewn to the portfolio and "edged".
then have them sewn together to form the portfolio itself. So it would be ready to be used but the outside is all black sad.
In the meantime, I mobilized a bit 'of knowledge for collecting a bit' of tabs can to make their armor. I found out how to connect them together through this beautiful tutorial. I made 5 rows of 24 tabs each. At the center after twelve tabs you must leave a space considering that the portfolio should be where piegare.Vi not recommend to use the tabs that you see in the picture associated with the yellow wire because they are too irregular and give a bad result.
Finally, with the wire cross-stitch I tied it all together and sewn to the portfolio by exploiting the gaps that remain into the frame. In this photo you can see the space left by the turn and tongues to finish welding.
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