Thursday, December 2, 2010

Restoring Vinyl And Chrome Chairs

Enrico Baiano and Domenico Scarlatti Ensemble music

do not pretend to know all the Scarlatti recordings. But so many, and none appears to me more interesting, exciting, intelligent, those who gave us Enrico Baiano Symphonia published by two discs in 2008.
I do not do a review: it's not my job. Let me give you just a sign on my favorite, the K113, which closes the second disc. Despite a very fast time of detachment, the execution is far removed from the general brilliance that plagues Scarlatti performances: it is a continuous succession of tension and stretching (for example, after hearing from 2'15 "to 2'30"), which transforms the sonata from trivial - even if technically complicated - test of virtuosity in dramatic expression. And there is plenty of drama in these discs, listen to the wonderful example K115, which I found on youtube so I can not put here.





The first of the two discs is played on a harpsichord by Ugo Casiglia copy Joachim Antunes (Portuguese, therefore, substantially in the Italian tradition) of 1785. You can hear it in K126.

The second disc is played on a harpsichord by Olivier Fadini copy of the Francois-Etienne Blanchet 1733 (French of course). You can hear it in the K113, K24 and K3.

Both instruments have a resonance opulent setting in line with the executive, which certainly can not be called minimalist.

I did not ask permission to put the video here, which I found on YouTube. If I violated rights please inform us and we will remove the concerned the post immediately.

I was wrong on the K115: fortunately is also on Youtube, so I can put it here. Played back for the occasion, takes first place at K113 between executions of Baiano (of course in my personal ranking). Let me know what you think.

part of the second disk, so too is played on a Fadini Blanchet.



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