Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nonverbal Cogat Samples

Project Ruckers, guides and registers

And now the leaders of the records and jacks.
The guides are made with a sandwich, from bottom to top, parchment, wood and leather. The wood is very thin, so that the parchment is used to reinforce it since then when it penetrates the end grain is too weak and could miss. The skin on the other hand need to get a scroll of silent jacks. The ratchet on its way not to touch wood or parchment, which only serve to rigidly support the skin, but only the latter.

Making Guide is conceptually simple, then the truth I'm having some difficulty running.
In fact, you mark the sides of the mortises through which flows the ratchet, then with a few strokes of chiseling hole, and then you delete the plug resulting in wood. After driving it down with a knife and widen the holes are, "but only on the bottom without touching the skin, so that the ratchet can not be touched but only wood and parchment skin. the difficulty lies in making cuts is not clean.

Easier records. Marked on them too long sides of the mortises through which the jacks scroll it, practiced it in these signs of the angled cuts, because the records are opened downwards so that the ratchet is held only by a small wooden edge . Once finished with chisels and files, and clean, close the remaining open sides with a strip of wood.

guides with the first holes. In front of them the two bars from which the records will be obtained. These are already marked.

angled cuts. I cut two records together so that the alignment is perfect. Then I had an accident with the second of them and the signs before the second I had to redo the cuts already made on the first register.

phases of work on registries

Ap Bio Fingerprinting Lab Answers

Project Ruckers, keyboard

First I glued the blocks that will form the keyboard and those that will form the soundboard.
on the table that will form the keyboard then I drew the lines that serve as a guide to separate the various buttons.
Then I set the bar poplar that will guide the tail of the keys on the keyboard, simultaneously marking the tail of the key and future guidance. In this way, when they stuck the tips of the guide button, they will be aligned with the guide slots.

The guide is easier to do than it appears. The cracks have triangular section, which seems difficult, but really just do first of all a small cut on the drawn line to score, so you have a support for the saw.

Then with the saw you make two diagonal cuts. The angle is established by eye, do not need a precision. The wood that remains between the two cuts you knock it out with a chisel, the rest is always clean with a chisel and a few shots of file.
The frame is fairly simple to assemble. At the time the two sides are still a bit 'too long, and the balance bar has yet to reach its final form, which will be given with a plane.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How To Provision A Sailboat With Food

giveaway Patrick Cozzo! A for Miniature

Well .. it is the second post that I write today! Do not worry, I've drunk the brain, I was just a little 'arrears to tell you!
So .. I start to tell from the beginning!
As you all know by now, attend a forum that talks about creativity! In the forum there are several activities that we as a group, the Roombox, but also the lottery!
Last month at the birthday of his blog, Patrick Cozzo put at stake his own fairy! Having said this seems like a nice thing, but if you visit his blog you will discover how wonderful are her fairies, how much love and attention to detail makes this sweet mother in everything we create! I could not believe it! One of his great fairies available to those who have tried their luck! Despite having broken into the computer at the time, I read the post almost by accident and ran to my book numeretti! I was so glad of this opportunity and we hope so even though I knew that I would never have won, there were as many as 100 numbers .. and it seemed just impossible! In the evening I had
extraction thousand things to do and went to check on the forum .. my friends and especially Elena continued to "INVITE" warmly to go and visit the post extraction! Given this particular "heat" I thought: you want to see who won Elena and I have not even made the compliments? I went to see just to see who I should congratulate with e. .. IOOOoooOOO I won! I could not believe my eyes .. and to my ears! A fairy Patrick at home! *-*
not arrived yet but I know it was worth the wait! Imagine I was so happy and amazed that the next day I went back to check the post to be sure you do not have dreamed of!
Meanwhile I post a photo I borrowed from the forum:

All those who saw it live in Miniature said that the photos do not do justice! As soon as he gets home I'll make a nice photo and I'll show you all the details of this tiny wonder!

E 'arrivataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .... I was a lot' to cover all the details *-* it is wonderful and still hardly believe it! Sorry if I write a little and bad .. but I broke the computer and do not always seize all the letters I am posting some pictures .. maybe .. in words because I do not know what to say ..

The fairy was packed in a lovely box ..

and brought with him a wonderful gift, a small clutch bag hand-stitched in my favorite colors *-*

was also provided with a certificate

and was accompanied by a sweet note from Patrick .. (I prefer hold for me ^ ^)

Here some pictures of "my" fairy:

From this photo you can understand how little one ..

.. and here is its basis in a pink cloth ..

still missing the wings that will come soon (And new photos will ^_____^)
Patrick really do not know how to thank you .. .. it's a wonder I do not know what to say ..

Lipstick For Pale Skin And Blonde Hair


Dear readers, sorry if I have overlooked a bit 'but I've been super busy between orders tests and everything else!
I have some news in recent months to tell you!
The first is a new collaboration with the girls of the forum Handmadeart!
After the success of our first Roombox, which I talked about in this post: Roombox Handmadeart
we proposed to participate in Miniature .. and so we started to work! We divided the tasks according to ability and the willingness of everyone!
I do not say that lavorone coordinate and agree all! The girls were great .. it turned out a masterpiece! We entered the Room in the competition just for the pleasure of bringing a fair job done at a distance from us .. (imagine how hard it was to respect the proportions without seeing the work of others!) Did not imagine never, ever be able to win something! We won third place! Imagine .. we do a Roombox for the first time we win too! During the race there were many other rooms, all beautiful and meticulous in detail!
The theme was passion and we have chosen to express our passion for Disney cartoons, specifically, Cinderella!

I am posting some photos to show you our work .. and a video that showed a girl in the forum for "tribute" to all who participated!

I show you now "close" the work of some of the girls! You can find the full discussion with the photos and the WIP here: Forum Handmade Art: Miniature Roombox for

Here are just some of the photos that you will find in the discussion on the forum: I
mice weighing scale!

Our Cinderella giving small, sculpted by Patrick Cozzo and dressed and coiffed by Salasandra :

The big cat, created by Elena Terenzi along with some furniture .. it seems true that ash?

Mirror, pitcher, clock and a thousand other things were made by Elisa :

Klaudia has made all the airbrush painting on the walls .. very good! Arianna
Dark_Angel mattress and furniture and furnishings, babykla instead produced the railing! Thanks also to
D3s_Demone which dealt among other things, the technical part together with sandra: to bring everything at the fair, mount, dismount, enter the room and collect the prize in the competition along with Patrick!
Tatyanna made the basket (the one where they are topiniii the picture above!) And much more! I did the shoe polymer clay (in the previous pictures you can see a little mouse inside!) and spools .. here it is:

Those who have collaborated are many and each has taken care of every little detail because everything would be perfect! Thank you all for your care and patience you put into the making of this masterpiece!
Here's the video with images of "work" and the names of those who made them!

Ps.: Thanks to Ladyska who made the video for all of us! ^___^